Canine Behavior History Form

Please answer the following questions below. Detailed information is critical for Dr. Rigterink to diagnose and recommend a treatment program. This form should be sent to Veterinary Behavior of Indiana at least 7 days before your appointment. Please allow at least 20 minutes to complete the history form.

If you would prefer to download and fill out the form at home, please click here. Please then submit your completed form to

Our team's primary method of correspondence with clients is by email. Please let us know which email is the best to reach you at below: 
(Please provide name)

Behavior Problem

Dog's Background

Medical History

Diet and Feeding

Daily Schedule



Fear and Anxiety Profile

(Please mark “Not applicable” if this section if it does not apply to your dog)

Separation Anxiety

Noise Phobia

Repetitive Behaviors

Hyper Arousal Behaviors

Behavior Profile

(Please mark “Not applicable” if this section if it does not apply to your dog)

Behavior Around Resources

Profile Towards Unfamiliar People

Profile Towards Unfamiliar Dogs

Aggression Profile Towards Familiar People (Family Members)

Aggression Towards Household Pets

Bite History

(Please mark “Not applicable” if this section if it does not apply to your dog)

Please answer these characteristics of your dog's aggressive behavior:


Please note: Your behavior history form was uploaded to the Veterinary Behavior of Indiana's email address once you get a confirmation page with a picture of a large dog.